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Taxi Chaos is a cartoony, light-hearted, open-world, arcade racing game where the players take on the role of a taxi driver in a fictional recreation of New York City. They will race around against a timer, pick up customers, earn money, complete quests, collect various items, uncover hidden pathways along the city's rooftops, unlock better vehicles and compete against their friends. This game was developed over a period of approx. 12 months.


Role(s): Design Intern

Team Size: TEAM6 Game Studios (25-35)

Development Period: 12 Months

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Platform: Nintendo Switch, Xbox ONE, PS4, PS5

Achievements/Learning Points:​

  • Experience with working at a real studio

  • Stakeholder meetings, GDD handoffs

  • Level, gameplay, UI/UX design 

  • Adapting to a new team and new processes

My Work & Achievements


Level Design

I spent a large portion of my time on this project co-developing the open world this game would take place in. We took a lot of inspiration from real-life New York City in terms of locations before integrating and "gamifying" for the game. I built the entire initial "greybox" for the city and continued to iterate on it for months, adding and removing sections based on feedback and testing.

UI/UX Design

A large part of my work on this project was dedicated to working out parts of the UI/UX design, both for menus as well as in game loops. To do this, I utilized Adobe XD. Due to this I was able to, together with the lead designer, rapidly create functional visual representations for all the menu screens and gameplay segments that would later get implemented.


Technical Design

To be able to properly build sections of the game, I made several quick prototypes utilizing blueprints and used them for quick testing. This would involve a rough version of traffic to test for car density, menu camera transitions to prototype the intro sequence or various car adjustments to see how we could have different car models behave.


As a part of the design team, I was tasked with keeping all of my work well documented and updating shared team documents such as the global GDD or pitch presentations for the publisher. This also involved tracking my personal progress and hours in the team Jira board.

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