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Captain Canada

Captain Canada is a first-person, single-player puzzle game focused on platforming and navigation of individual puzzles using a light-reflecting shield. The player is taken through separate ''test-rooms'' where they are presented with a unique problem they need to solve by traversing moving platforms, redirecting light, deflecting turrets and platforming.

Role(s): Technical Level Designer, Producer

Team Size: 4

Development Period: 8 Weeks

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Platform: PC 

Achievements/Learning Points:​

  • Blueprinting and Technical Design

  • Whiteboxing & creation of puzzle-based levels

  • Base lighting and material work

My Work & Achievements


Technical Design

During this project, I worked on several technical aspects including door opening puzzles, moving platforms and simple blueprints used for UI onboarding and overall game flow. To avoid breaking the build, I also partook in code reviews before any major push.

Level Design

Within this project, I was responsible for creation of level 2. This consisted of two separate challenges which involved verticality, automatic turrets, moving platforms and laser-activated buttons. Within these levels, I went through the full process from paper sketches, to wireframes to whiteboxes and ultimately base lighting.


Scrum for Agile

During this project, I also took on the added responsibility of being the Scrum Master, making sure our tools for work management were in line with our work methodology and up to date as well as that our pipelines are clear and people weren't blocking each other. With this, I also created a simple gantt chart to estimate deadlines for our sprints. 

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