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Babooms is a multiplayer, asymmetrical combat game which pits 4 players in two teams against each other in a large mansion. Using team communication and cleverly hidden traps, players are encouraged to strategize, think outside the box and outsmart the enemy team in a hunt for 5 parts of a monster, hidden all around the game. For gameplay tools, the game offers features like bombs, cameras and wire kits. 

Role(s): Gameplay/Level Designer

Team Size: 12

Development Period: 8 Weeks

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Platform: PC 

Achievements/Learning Points:​

  • Level design for a multiplayer experience

  • Gameplay design for a team-based game

  • QA processes and methodologies

  • Working in a larger team environment

My Work & Achievements


Level Design

One of my main jobs on this game was creation of the level layout, number and characteristic of individual rooms as well as how their traversal would work. This involved quick whiteboxing and testing, paper prototypes and close work with playtester feedback within a tight iterative loop.

Gameplay Design

A large portion of my work consisted of designing, adjusting and balancing individual gameplay features the players would have at their disposal. From number of bombs available, to duration of bomb-defuse to respawn timer. All with the goal of providing a balanced and enjoyable experience.



Part of my responsibility on this project was to gather play-tester feedback and work it into future iterations of the game. This involved creation of forms, organization of play-tests, recording of feedback sessions and conceptualizing appropriate responses to improvement points raised. 

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