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Side-Tracked is a top-down, Co-Op shooter focused on two players, surviving waves on enemies using mounted guns on a train moving through a level. Different types of enemies with different behavior will drop upgrades which change how the player's weapons function and give you more ways to dispose of the enemies. 

Role(s): Producer

Team Size: 18

Development Period: 8 Weeks

Engine: Custom Engine

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Achievements/Learning Points:​

  • Full development cycle withing a larger team

  • Creation of a custom game engine

  • Responsibility and managerial - production skills

My Work & Achievements


Working Methodology

My main role in this project was as Producer.  I was responsible for maintaining our work methodology using Trello, Jira and HacknPlan. As the project's Scrum Master I assisted with sprint planning, creation of pipelines and (maintaining) the backlog.


This project was very unique considering we had to build a custom engine and develop a game alongside it in a matter of weeks. This required me to strongly focus on prioritization, clear task definitions and optimal work distribution.



During this project a lot of my responsibility involved creating accessible but detailed documentation involving several pitches a game design document, product backlog, individual agile sprint backlogs and other relevant documents. As a part of production, I also worked on marketing, the competitor analysis and promotional materials.

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